Am 25. März 2015 besuchten SchauspielerInnen des Open House
Theatre das Gymnasium Maria Regina und führten für einige unserer Unterstufenklassen
das lustige Stück „Izzy the Witch“ auf - zur vollen Begeisterung der SchülerInnen,
die auch tatkräftig die ein oder andere kleinere Rolle im Stück übernahmen und aktiv daran teilnahmen.
Im Folgenden einige Eindrücke von SchülerInnen der 2A:
on March 25th Classes 1A and 2ABC watched the play “Izzy the Witch”.
It was about a young witch at witch school. There they learned to make a
laughing potion and how to make a mouse appear. But Bathelda the Bad wanted to
rule the city. Fortunately Izzy had a plan. She got a book about spells and
defeated Bathelda, who changed into Gwendolin the Good. This was my favourite
scene because it showed us that people have good and bad sides to them, and that
everyone deserves a second chance. The play was a lot of fun to watch.
by Kilian
My favourite
character was Toby the Toad because he ate flies and I think they were good. Now
I want to try them, too. :-) The character I hated most was Rona the Raven. She
made lots of pronunciation mistakes, for example, she always said the “r” in a
strange way. My favourite scene was when they sang because they made fun
by Benedict
favourite character was Toby the Toad because he was funny, a scatterbrain and a
chatterbox. I didn’t like Mathilda the Good at all. My favourite scene was when
Bathelda the Bad sang a song - she sang very well.
by Julian
Yesterday I
watched the play “Izzy the Witch” with my class and classes 2BC and 1A. My
favourite character is Toby the Toad because he is cool. Ruby the Raven was funny
because she rolled her “r”s.
by Melina
favourite character was Toby the Toad because he was funny. I loved all characters.
My favourite scene was when Izzy and Toby tried to fly on the broom!
by Vici
at 9 o’clock my class and I watched “Izzy the Witch” in the “Festsaal”. My
favourite character was Toby the Toad because he was very funny and forgetful. I
hated the character of Bathelda the Bad because she is evil and ugly. My
favourite scene was Izzy and Toby flying on the broom.
by Anna